Hi! Thank you for wanting to reach out for 52 weeks of geek! I do like hearing back from my audience even if it is a technical problem or if it is a general enquiry, I am always here to help!


I am always happy to receive feedback from you! I would feel like this site would not be how it is without your feedback. So, if you want me to improve on anything, let me know! I would like to make the site up to your standard so you can enjoy it even more than I do running the site!

Guest posting and Contribution

I am very open to accepting guest posts. If you have a story, experience or any tips that you think would be useful to my site then do not be afraid to submit a guest post! I will send you my guidelines via email and let you know what I think of your post. If you want to find out more about guest posting, then visit our Write for Us page to find out more information.

Technical issues

As you know, this is a tech blog but not all things will work. If there is anything wrong with the site that I haven’t noticed, then do let me know! I want to make the website work for your benefit and also so you visit it more than once!

Random Enquiries

Anything random is my type of thing! If it is just asking for advice or asking a question or you require help, don’t be afraid of contacting me! There is always an opportunity for me to help me so use the contact form below to get to me.

Please use the form below – I respond to every email in 2 days…

If you don’t receive a response within 2 days, then there is definitely a problem and you should email me direct, or call an Ambulance!


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