Every Niche Has Its Own Market

There’s a rather mystifying group of people who go about their business of selling products and services very quietly and rake in big bucks in the process. Unlike some of those internet marketers who you’ll see all over the show trying to convince everybody that they have all the answers to all your online selling needs, these quiet sellers focus on nothing more than selling their products.

Some of the products they sell aren’t always their own however as they operate as drop-shippers and affiliate sellers, but their strategy is very effective although not very popular publicly (until now I guess). So, what these guys do is instead of focussing on high volume niches and competing with lots of other people within those niches, they take a bigger-picture approach to selling online and focus on a huge selection of the tiniest niches. It gets really stupid at times with just how small of a niche they’re willing to invest in, like catering to model muscle car enthusiasts, DIY bird-cage builders, etc.

If you were to conduct some keyword research analysis of such niches you’d probably give up on the idea of pursuing them in no time as some of these show up to have something like five to ten monthly searches, is that really worth the hassle? Assuming the 1% conversion rate holds water (1 person buys out of every 100 visitors who come to your sales page), it would then take a long time to build up the collection of targeted niches which would result in decent sales volumes, but that’s where the big wins lie.

These are the niches which nobody else wants to touch, so if one person takes it upon themselves to cater to these, unpopular niches, it’s like tapping into one huge niche that nobody else even knows exists. The bottom line, however is that it’s all about marketing – getting your sales message or offer out there and in front of the eyes of those people who are likeliest to complete the purchase.

Every niche does indeed have its very own market and the required tailored marketing approach to go with. Financial marketing for instance is perhaps a lot more lucrative than say marketing used vehicles online, quite simply because some purchases and sales like those of products and services in the financial sector are much easier to complete than those of other markets, such as used vehicles. It’s why companies like LeadJig are around to create specialist marketing campaigns for your financial planning business.

It’s all about the numbers in the end and how they add up. A car dealership will deem their year a success if they sell just a few new cars in the year, while someone who perhaps sells financial services will only deem their year a success if the volume of sales goes into the thousands, but again, one of these examples features sales offers which are easier to push than the other. It’s all about targeting the right audience.

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