Ways to Optimize the AngularJS Performance

Nowadays, AngularJS is a broadly used web app framework and if we see the stats it shows the constant growth even it has gained a frequent rise after the release of AngularJS 4.0. But the scenario is not that different from the previous version still the experts related to the Angular are facing problems even though it has many rising opportunities.

Businesses dependent on the online market gets affected by their respective web technologies on which the project is based. Therefore, it becomes more important to find the factors which are affecting the growth of the business.

Although, there are different cases where incorrect usage may restrict the position of the application in the market. Thus, it increases the demand for AngularJS optimization among Angular experts. Angular Course can help you in understanding the page applications and the relevant terms like Bootstrapping of AngularJS application, AngularJS markup, built-in and custom services, SPA routing and much more. The course will also make you understand how to do all the things through test-driven.

The benefits of AngularJS

  • AngularJS gives the leverage of data binding with HTML including expressions. AngularJS is a two-way binding agent in which DOM manipulation and data binding code alike can be quickly and easily set in HTML.
  • To develop a single page app, AngularJS is the best and versatile framework, in fact, can be used for any and almost web application.
  • AngularJS gives the facility to manage the front and back end projects simultaneously by implementing javascript. Also, AngularJS is paired well with C#, ASP.NET.
  • AngularJS is the best option for top-down development process because it was a built-on functionality-first mindset. It simplifies the testing and debugging process.

Tips to be considered while optimising the AngularJS performance.

  1. Always check the digest cycle, is the only means through which you can identify the performance of AngularJS ap. Digest cycle is a kind of loop. Any change in the variable is checked by the Angular, during the cycle. In case there are any changes in the controller then Angular will monitor any type of alteration in every iteration.
  2. Limited use of watchers; the use of watchers brings data-bindings. More watchers mean more lag, so limit the use.
  3. Limit the use of binding; the older version gives the advantage of one-time binding. To take an advantage you can add a colon. In case it is applied correctly the value will be resolved and disappeared from the list.
  4. Ensure the digest cycle is not activated manually when it is already running, you might get an error. scope.$evalAsync can be used to prevent and initiate the digest cycle rather than using $apply for initiation.
  5. Use of Dev Tool like Batarang, a tool that is used to reduce the debugging effort. The Batarang tool helps you to track and profile the performance. Also, the DevTools Profiler and Timeline can be used to find the bottlenecks to optimize the effort.
  6. Make use of Javascript or Lodash; the applications boost the performance by editing some of the basic logic programmes rather than depending on the AngularJS. In case the application does not include Lodash then there are chances that you might need to re-write the programme in Javascript.
  7. Use ng-if rather than ng-show, as it removes the particular element from the DOM and re-forms it, in case needed. Also, ng-switch is an alternative present that gives the same performance as ng-if.
  8. It is advised to limit the use of ng-repeat if possible should be avoided. ng-bind-HTML is the better solution to reduce unnecessary watchers.
  9. Use of $watch collection makes the Angular to execute deep checking. But, to operate on it is costlier. Thus, Angular provides $watchCollection(‘value’, function(){}) to resolve the issue of performance. The command acts similarly to the 3rd parameter of the $watch, it just inspects the first layer properties of the object at less cost.
  10. For debugging use console.time. An API is used to check the time of execution and check the performance. This can be monitored using resources like Apica Systems to make sure everything works.
  11. Debouncing can be reduced by implementing the ng-model. ng-model-options=”{debounce:250}” is a command that can be used for the input debouncing so that the digest cycle does not run more than 250ms.
  12. In each digest cycle, the AngularJS uses the DOM filters twice. The foremost is to find the changes and the second is to re-write the values which have been changed. Usually, without the filter, the process takes time to process the data, while in the latter case the data is preprocessed before sending to the view. Thus, eliminates the DOM parsing process.
  13. Implementation of Pagination or infinite scroll can reduce the number of the elements which get looped. ngInfiniteScroll is a directive of AngularJS used for that purpose.

To implement the best practice from the beginning is always a better option instead of doing the improvement again and again. So, think deeply before starting the code and the ways to limit the watchers, bindings and the directives such as ng-repeat. However, a lot of important tools are also available to increase the AngularJS performance. Protractor, Gulp JS, TestingWhiz, WebdriverIO are some of the examples.

Wrapping up:

New innovations and inventions in the JavaScripts framework lead to the rapid change in the Web development. Optimizing should be done on regular basis to gain benefit from the frameworks. AngularJS is a strong and powerful framework like no other web application. By optimizing the performance, the work of the developers gets reduced even the risk is also reduced.

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