Top 8 Tech Solutions Every Company Needs

Gadgets and tech are continually saving us time and making our everyday lives more efficient and easier. They entertain us, keep us safe and help us to reach our destinations in good time. The same is true for the world of business too. Whether you are an international company or a start-up, the market is full of tech solutions designed to make your life easier and your business more efficient. Here we look at the top eight tools every company needs to invest in.

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  • Tablet

 Obviously which one you choose will be heavily influenced by whether or not you are a PC or a Mac user, and what’s the norm in your industry. Tablets are great for meetings with clients and staff; they are easy to carry around and help you to get your point across efficiently. They are also great for video conferencing and make working remotely a breeze.

  • Phone

 Whether you run a company with four people or forty, make sure all company issued phones integrate seamlessly with your operating system. Mobile contracts with unlimited data plans allow staff to hotspot their work phone when they are outside of a WiFi zone so they are never out of contact. Your office phone system needs to be integrated and easy to use as well. Mitel 5000 London can supply a variety of office phone systems designed to work across multiple locations and link thousands of staff.

  • Conference Camera

 Skype and Lync have opened up the business world to video conference calling. Unlike the traditional webcam, a conference camera makes sure everyone in the room is on the screen at once.

  • Multi-Device Keyboard

 Increase staff efficiency with this clever device. A full-sized keyboard that connects to up to three devices, it allows you to type on your computer and cut across to answering emails on your tablet with just the flick of a switch.

  • A Cloud

 Make sure your company’s documents are backed up and securely stored with a cloud device.

  • Google Analytics

These days, it’s all about number crunching. Google analytics tracks the amount of traffic your website generates, where it lands from and which countries it is viewed in. It shows percentage differences and even plots graphs so you can visually quantify your website’s performance.

  • Apps

Apps for business are many and varied. It pays to know which ones to get and which ones not to bother with, especially since you can waste hours sorting the good eggs from the bad. The good ones allow you to sync calendars across the office, invoice customers and communicate with both clients and staff.

  • Printers

Gone are the days when the ability to print, fax and copy was the height of sophistication. It’s a brave new world, and printers are now producing everything from 3-D models to high resolutions photographs. Make sure you invest in the best printer for your business. Consider running costs and warranties as well as functions and do your research, the expensive ones are not always the best.

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